Apex Committee

The Apex Committee is the Governing Body of the Indian Steel Association. The management of ISA, its property, and its funds is vested with the Apex Committee which comprises one nominee representative of each of the Executive members. The Committee is responsible for appointing the Working Committee and the Secretary-General of the Association. The Apex Committee finalizes the annual budget of ISA which is proposed by the Secretary-General, in due consultation with the Working Committee. It also has the power to make, amend and repeal such rules as it may deem necessary to carry out the objectives of ISA and for the proper conduct and management of the Association.

Mr Naveen Jindal, Chairman of Jindal Steel and Power, is currently the President of ISA and Chair of the Apex Committee.

The composition of the Apex Committee/Governing Body of the Indian Steel Association is as follows

ISA Member Contact

Mr Naveen Jindal

Chairman, Jindal steel and Power (JSP) and President ISA

ISA Member Contact

Mr. Sajjan Jindal

Chairman, JSW Group

ISA Member Contact

Mr. T.V. Narendran

CEO and MD, Tata Steel

ISA Member Contact

Mr. Amarendu Prakash

Chairman, SAIL

ISA Member Contact

Mr. Dilip Oommen

CEO, AM/NS India, Exec. VP ArcelorMittal

ISA Member Contact

Mr. Atul Bhatt


ISA Member Contact

Mr. Anil Kumar Singh

Director & Occupier, JSW Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd.